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May 02, 2007



Your cake is really lovely! I love your own decoration too.


Yours is so pretty!


Hi Claudia - beautiful cake! I understand your enthusiasm after tackling a project like this - it feels like it opens doors to all sorts of wonderful and intriguing variations. Great work!


I wish we lived close enough that I could offer to make the cappuccio if you'd bring the cake!


OMG I just gained 30 pounds!!! WOW!!!!!!!!


That is a beautiful cake, Claudia. Congratulations!!

And, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has had problems with Martha's recipes. I feel better now. Thanks.


Very nice! I'm glad your cake was good to eat as well as look at!


Looks good, tastes good and you'll make it again! I think that's a first!

Zann Carter

That cake is GORGEOUS! I swear I could taste it as a I read. and LOL, I kept reading "Darling Bakers" instead of 'daring.' Anyone who makes cakes like that IS darling!


Fantastic cake isn't it! Beautiful job.

Sue Lyn

I only WISH I were that daring a baker. The cake looks amazing. Was it hard to eat such a beautiful thing when you were done?


WOW! Look at that piped decorating!! Congrats on your first assignment!

Crafting Jen

Wowsers...kudos to you, Claudia, for such a production! Especially when you're working so hard on festivals and such. :)

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