Okay - this is totally cool. Just when I think there isn't anything new to be done or discovered in the way of arts and crafts, someone comes along with a new twist on an old technique. In this case - it's embroidery, on a rock and it's 3D!
Last weekend at the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool, I finally met up with Jen, a blog pal whom I had been corresponding with for a while. We'd exchanged little gifts and seemed to be on the same wavelength on several issues and beliefs. It was wonderful to finally meet and hug, though we didn't have much time to chat as I was working. But she brought me a bag of fabulous salt water taffy made in her town and something even cooler - a freeform embroidered rock! I couldn't for the life of me figure out how she had done it and even though she patiently explained it to me - I'm a visual learner, so it didn't make much sense.
Then, this morning, having my coffee and reading my lists, I saw that she had posted to our Yahoo Freeform Group introducing herself. She also included a link to a tutorial on how to do the ROCK! Awesome. I high tailed it over there to see how she did it. NOW I see. And I have to try this. I'm thinking of doing smaller rocks, pebbles maybe, and adding them to the freeform. I have all kinds of cool threads and lightweight yarns about... it would even work for semiprecious stones as jewelry! How cool is THAT!
The rock is sitting on top of the pile of papers on my desk, keeping everything from blowing about when I have the window open. Thanks Jen - you're a DOLL!
I love the rock. May have to start one of my own.
Posted by: Debby | May 22, 2007 at 03:49 PM
That is so cool that you met up. When I read that tutorial I was thinking about the other things you could capture in thread and attach to things. Specifically I was thinking it would make for good buttons for a freeform garment. I can't wait to see what you make of it. There is a great book with similar projects in it called "Fabulous Woven Jewelry". It's published by Lark (of course) and has some things in it that are simpler but similar to the embroidered rock.
Posted by: Ellen-Mary | May 18, 2007 at 01:23 PM
Barriers are there to be broken, are they not?
Posted by: AmyP | May 17, 2007 at 07:05 PM