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November 16, 2007



I can not WAIT to have dessert this year! And tell everyone that they can buy signed copies of that book from me in the shop soon! :)

See you on Thursday!


Well hullo there! Maybe Dr. Cho deserves some socks. So sorry to hear about the fiber festival; under-marketing is fatal. You know what I think would be a blast? A transcontinental train trip to western fiber fests. Pack the observation car with knitters and it would be heaven.


You really are one talented family - the cake looks delicious! I'm glad to hear everything seem to be OK with the chickens (and your tooth!)


I was looking at that book and wondering if it was worth having. If you say it's good I'll pick up a copy for myself. Glad to hear your tooth is better and your settling in out there. Pate a Choux is good filled with cannoli cream. You know, in case you run out of chocolate custard.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

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