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September 08, 2008



Hi Claudia,

I think of you often and wonder how you (not so) new life is faring.

My 78th birthday has found me 'paring down' and I only belong to one group now but keep busy writing books and entries on my 2 blogs.

I'd love to hear from you...I correspond with Elyse (NYC) once or twice a week.
Go well,


The bread and cheese looks fantastic! I would love to make cheese like that for gifts...so beautiful!


Hi! Nice Blog. I found you through a search for the Well-Bred Loaf - you made a comment on a blog that you were previously an R&D Baker for the Well-Bred Loaf. My husband's family used to own an ice cream and candy shop in Hartsdale NY called Sweet Cravings and sold their blondies, poundcake and brownies. He wondered if you knew what happened to them - couldn't find anything on the internet that's current. He wants their blondie and pound cake recipe!


Loving the quilt so far.
Where do you get vegetable rennet?


OO Corset wings---cool!




Hey, are you busy on Friday? Want to come on a field trip to the State Fair with me for Supergirl's 1st grade class who is learning about Sheep to Shawl?

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