Saturday I had another birthday - boy, they just keep coming! I've turned 55 and it seems as if I've reached the top of a particularly trying peak. Not K2, but close. I sort of felt like I should be planting a flag for having made it this far. You know?
We celebrated with our first ballroom dancing lesson, which was really cool because we learned to do the basic two step, and the basic fox trot. So now we can dance to Frank and to most country western. I can't even tell you how excited I am about this, I've ALWAYS wanted to learn to swing and to tango and to be able to get out on the floor with the seniors when the band strikes up without looking like an idiot.
It was an awful lot of fun and I can't wait to go back on Wednesday night for our private lesson. When the instructor asked if we had agenda's, mine was a bout as long as my arm. He laughed and said, well with practice, you can get there. I was so tickled I laughed out loud. ME - that's ME on that dance floor!!! On Sunday, Anthony arranged some of our country and big band stuff so that it was easily accessible and we practiced a bit this morning. How darn cool is that - dancing away a Monday morning when the work is piled sky high.
After our lesson, we went for sushi, which we haven't had since leaving New York. I don't know about you, but I'm just a little creeped out about eating raw fish so far from the ocean. But the fish was delicious and the chef was amazing (we sat at the bar), and all in all it was a marvelous night. On Sunday, my friend Fran down the street made an absolutely yummy pancacke breakfast and gave me an adorable top which I'll have to photograph for you. Our across the street neighbors brought a fruit salad and made me a fab card. My next door neighbor burned me a music mix. What a great street this is.
And by now, being 55 doesn't feel all that different from being 54 except that I had a particularly wonderful birthday weekend.