Get the champagne bottle - we are now the proud owners of a... yep, it's a boat! And a folding Porta-Bote at that. Why would anyone want a folding boat, you might rightfully ask? Well aside from the obvious advantages of being able to store the thing in an apartment closet, it's also darn portable (pun intended). We've been looking at kayaks for a couple of years now and haven't been able to get past the tandem or two singles dilemma. Though truthfully, having only one car kind of precludes two kayaks anyway. It's just not a big car. And moreover, the kayaks we really like, the Nepali by Clear Blue Hawaii, while totally transparent, incredibly cool and collapsible, is also pretty darn expensive.
That leads us to our current status as the proud owners of a folding rowboat. How did we come to come by this nifty little boat? Friends of ours who have given up their jobs and are about to spend the next year sailing about (yeah, I know, I wish I were going too) were upgrading their dingy. They asked if we had any interest in their little craft. "OF COURSE" we both yelled in unison. Who wouldn't want the opportunity to drown ones self in probably one of the silliest waterborne inventions ever! And for free!
But I jest. We're totally tickled to have the freedom to toss that baby onto the roof of the car, get out on the Seven Lakes, and paddle about for a bit. We might even hang a hook in the water. Neat!